End fossil fuel extraction on federal lands and waters.
End sacrifice zones and usher in a just transition for those most impacted.
Stand in solidarity with our sister-struggles for racial and economic justice.
Deploy mass turnout, disruptive direct action to compel politicians to act with the urgency this moment deserves.
Elevate climate change to a top-three political issue in American politics.
Make support for any fossil fuels as unacceptable on the left as opposing abortion or gay marriage.
Move the Overton Window (the accepted terms of debate).
Make clear to Democratic lawmakers that the youth vote will only deliver for them if they deliver for us.
Conventional Tactics Will Not Suffice
We need consistent, mass-turnout, nonviolent disruption to stop business as usual and compel politicians to act.
When we engage in direct action —whether through a strike, a blockade, or a mass occupation — we break through.
People see us. People tune in. People engage. Our movement grows.
Direct action puts the state in a double-bind: allow the action (and the disruption) to continue or crack down, further driving up public support for the cause.