We are young. We are livid. We are no longer willing to be disposable.

We have been sold out by our politicians. We have been betrayed. But we refuse to lose hope.

We come from many walks of life but are united in fighting for a thriving and just world.

We came of age in a time of great tumult. A global pandemic. A deadly assault on democracy. Mass shootings with our morning coffee.

And hovering above it all, an existential crisis that threatens every fiber of every being in every corner of the world.


Our leaders have failed to save us. So we will save ourselves.

We aim not to work within the current political reality. We aim to change it.

We can do it. We have leverage.

The laws of nature do not care what’s “realistically feasible.” And neither do we.

We will use mass-turnout, non-violent direct action to force our politicians to take action at the scope and speed necessary to avert the worst impacts of this crisis.